Pixel Bear Club

🍯It's not for the money, it's for the honey 🍯


Phase 1

- Prepare Pixel Bear Club art for mint on Launchmynft
- Open website and discord server
- Create own token $Honey
- Build the PBC community
- Initiate whitelisting and promotions

Phase 2

- Private mint for whitelisters &OGs and reward early supporters
- Public Mint
- Launching our official staking Website

Phase 3

- Market integration by listing PBC on main secondary markets, like Magiceden
- Beta launch of Bear and Honey
- 5% of generated SOL giveaway to PBC holders
- 15% of generated SOL to various organisations to save the bees
- 100K $Honey Giveaway on our Discord server for our Whitelist member

Phase 4

- Marketing for the game
- Release the game
- Launching our Website "BearHub"
- Phase 5
- Designing and finalizing Pixe Bear Club Official Merchandise
- Publish Merchandise on BearHub with $Honey as official currency

more updates after mint